, pub-0418880821635173, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 World of Proverbs: Sorry, Charlie. ~ StarKist Tuna, Advertising Catchphrase [13013]

Sorry, Charlie.
~ StarKist Tuna,
Advertising Catchphrase [13013]

"Sorry, Charlie" is one of the best known rejection lines in the American lexicon. It was said to the cartoon character, Charlie the Tuna, in the ever popular StarKist commercials. There were many variations of the TV commercial through the years, but in every instance, Charlie is rejected for not being up to StarKist standards.

The words are never actually spoken by Charlie, only to him. Charlie's ending comment, which is almost as well-known, was "tell them Charlie sent you," making it the only commercial to spawn two highly-popular catchphrases.