
Danish Proverbs (001-100)

It is a bad well that needs water to be carried to it.

It is hard to sail without wind, and to grind without water.

Ill weeds grow the fastest and last the longest.

He who whispers, lies.

He drives a good wagonful into his farm who gets a good wife.

He who marries a widow with three children marries four thieves.

Bend the willow while it is young.

Trust not still water nor a silent man.

A man's will is his heaven.

The wagon must go whither the horses draw it.

Much water runs by while the miller sleeps.

Happy he who can take warning from the mishaps of others.

Empty wagons make most noise.

The water runs while the miller sleeps.

As water runs towards the shore,
so does money towards the rich man's hand.

It is bad to lean against a falling wall.

Better ask twice than lose your way once.

When the wagon is tilting everybody gives it a shove.

He knows the water best who has waded through it.

You must howl with the wolves when you are among them.

An old wolf is not scared by loud cries.

Want and necessity break faith and oaths.

Vipers breed vipers.

A full vessel must be carried carefully.

There is no virtue in a promise unless it be kept.

As the virtue in the tree, such is the fruit.

He is most likely to spill who holds the vessel in his hands.

Vice is learned without a schoolmaster.

He must keep a sharp look out who would speak the truth.

No one gets into trouble without his own help.

Better suffer for truth than prosper by falsehood.

It needs but slight provocation to make the wolf devour the lamb.

Wisdom is the least burdensome traveling pack.

Trust everybody, but thyself most.

To withhold truth is to bury gold.

Truth is bitter food.

Truth and folly dwell in the wine cask.

Treachery and slander are long lived.

Honor the tree that gives you shelter.

Treachery lurks in honeyed words.

Times waits for no man.

Between evil tongues and evil ears, there is nothing to choose.

The tree is sure to be pruned before it reaches the skies.

When wisdom fails, luck helps.

He who feeds a wolf, strengthens his enemy.

Other times, other folk.

He loses least in a quarrel who keeps his tongue in check.

Time is not tied to a post, like a horse to the manger.

A smooth tongue is better than smooth locks.

If thoughts were legal witnesses,
many an honest man would be proved a rogue.

He is nearest a thing who has it in his hands.

That which has been thrown away
has often to be begged for again.

Thaw reveals what has been hidden by snow.

A thief thinks every man steals.

Make use of the sun while it shines.

You may preach ever so long to the wolf,
he will nevertheless call for lamb before night.

A pleasant thing never comes too soon.

When thieves fall out the peasant recovers his goods.

Hang the young thief, and the old one will not steal.

The teeth of the puppy are growing, w
hile the old dog is gnawing bones.

We must suffer much, or die young.

Speech is often repented, silence seldom.

The stone that everybody spits upon will be wet at last.

He that cuts above himself will get splinters in his eye.

It is the raised stick that makes the dog obey.

Throw no stones at a sleeping dog.

Where there is no wit within, no wit will come out.

Wolves are often hidden under sheep's clothing.

Too little and too much spoils everything.

The often-moved stone gathers no moss.

Honeyed speech often conceals poison and gall.

He needs a long spoon that would eat
out of the same dish with the devil.

The steps at court are slippery.

It needs a light spirit to bear a heavy fate.

A little stone may upset a large cart.

Always to be sparing is always to be in want.

It does not become the sparrow
mix in the dance of the cranes.

Sorrow seldom comes alone.

He who herds with wolves, learns to howl.

He who rises early will gather wisdom.

Few women turn gray because their husband dies.

The fat sow knows not what the hungry sow suffers.

He who has been bitten by a snake is afraid of an eel.

A silly song may be sung in many ways.

Marry your son when you will, your daughter when you can.

A sparrow suffers as much when it breaks its leg
as does a flanders horse.

Little sorrows are loud, great ones silent.

He who sows little, reaps little.

He who loves sorrow will always find something to mourn over.

We must sow even after a bad harvest.

Fine words without deeds go not far.

It is no child's play when an old woman dances.

He who speaks ill of himself is praised by no one.

New songs are liked the best.

A child's sorrow is short lived.

It is hard to track the path the ship follows in the ocean.

Many a sheep goes out woolly and comes home shorn.

It is a bad sheep that is too lazy to carry its own fleece.

The more shepherds, the less care.

Unwilling service earns no thanks.
