
Danish Proverbs (401-500)

A fair exchange brings no quarrel.

A fair face will get its praise,
though the owner keep silent.

Falsehood never tires of going round about.

Fame and repute follow a man to the door.

A small bolt to the house is better than none at all.

When the beer goes in the wits go out.

You may force a man to shut his eyes,
but not to sleep.

An evil eye can see no good.

It is bitter fare to eat one's own words.

He that performs his own errand
saves the messenger's hire.

Rather the egg today than the hen tomorrow.

Falsehood travels and grows.

Under white ashes lie often glowing embers.

He is a fool that praises himself, and
he is a madman that speaks ill of himself.

It is bad to be between two fires.

It is easy to poke another man's fire.

One beggar likes not that another has two wallets.

The nobler the blood the less the pride.

Flowers are the pledges of fruit.

Flattery is sweet food for those who can swallow it.

The more you stir filth, the worse it stinks.

He who would make a fool of
himself will find many to help him.

When one foot stumbles, the other is near falling.

The flame is not far from the smoke.

The forest has ears, and the field has eyes.

He who flees, proves himself guilty.

Fire and straw soon make a flame.

He who would enjoy the
fire must bear the smoke.

The first bird gets the first grain.

Better blow hard than burn yourself.

Abstinence and fasting cure many a complaint.

You must contrive to bake with the flour you have.

The fire burns brightest on one's own hearth.

The fire heeds little whose cloak it burns.

The fire is welcome within, when icicles hang without.

Good corn is not reaped from a bad field.

More flies are caught with a drop of honey
than with a barrel of vinegar.

A fool only wins the first game.

There is no fire without smoke.

It is a lazy bird that will not build its own nest.

The branch is seldom better than the stem.

There is no use in blowing a fire that burns well.

A large fire often comes from a small spark.

It is folly to drown on dry land.

Fortune often knocks at the door,
but the fool does not invite her in.

A young foal and an old horse draw not well together.

A fool is like other men as long as he is silent.

An old fool is worse than a young simpleton.

Fish and guests smell at three days old.

Every one tries to cross the fence where it is lowest.

One fool may ask more questions
than ten wise men can answer.

Praise a fool and you may make him useful.

Kind words don't wear out the tongue.

Do not wade where you see no bottom.

Every fool thinks he is clever enough.

God help the sheep when the wolf is judge.

Better a little furniture than an empty house.

Every fox looks after his own skin.

The fox does not go twice into the same trap.

It is easy to manage when fortune favors you.

Set a fox to catch a fox.

Many a man is a good friend but a bad neighbor.

It is difficult to trap an old fox.

God gives the will, necessity gives the law.

Bread is better than the song of birds.

The branch must be bent early
that is to make a good crook.

When fortune's chariot rolls easily,
envy and shame cling to the wheels.

Gifts make friendship lasting.

When the fox preaches to the goose the neck is in danger.

It is no use hiding from a friend what is known to an enemy.

Old friends and old ways ought not to be disdained.

When the game is most thriving it is time to leave off.

If you would catch a fox you must hunt with geese.

When the fox licks his paw, let the farmer look after his geese.

Take care of your geese when the fox preaches.

Fine words without deeds go not far.

Better is the branch that bends, than the branch that breaks.

The old branch breaks when it is bent.

He who is scared by words has no heart for deeds.

Better be convinced by words than by blows.

Counsel after action is like rain after harvest.

One word beforehand is better than ten afterwards.

Do as others do and few will mock you.

When the goose trusts the fox then woe to her neck.

Gold is gold, though it be in a rogue's purse.

The goose that has lost his head no longer cackles.

The goose that has a good gander cackles loudly.

A goose drinks as much as a gander.

The wet branch burns better than the dry stone.

Though the bird may fly over your head,
let it not make its nest in your hair.

Gold is proved in the fire, friendship in need.

Better whole than patched with gold.

It is a bad hand that refuses to guard the head.

He does not live in this world that can skin a grindstone.

A head is not to be cut off because it is scabby.

An unpleasant guest is as welcome as salt to a sore eye.

Liberal hands make many friends.

One hand must wash the other, or both will be dirty.

A royal heart is often hid under a tattered cloak.

When the head aches all the limbs ache.
