
Danish Proverbs (501-600)

A bold attempt is half success.

Better a a friend's bite than an enemy's caress.

One hair on a maiden's head pulls
harder than ten yoke of oxen.

Nothing is so new but it has happened before.

When you go to dance, take heed whom you take by the hand.

He who is fed by another's hand seldom gets enough.

It is difficult to get many heads under one hat.

He is young enough who has health,
and he is rich enough who has no debts.

A glad heart seldom sighs, but a
sorrowful mouth often laughs.

He is young enough who has health,
and he is rich enough who has no debts.

He who was born to be hanged will not be drowned,
unless the water go over the gallows.

So many heads, so many minds.

There is no need to fasten a bell to a fool,
he is sure to tell his own tale.

While the great bells are ringing no one hears the little ones.

He that inquires much, learns much.

It is not easy to walk upon the devil's ice.

He who sows money will reap poverty.

Idleness is the devil's bolster.

He who sows iniquity shall reap shame.

Luck is better than a hundred marks.

Cheerfulness and goodwill make labor light.

Great lords have long hands, but they do not reach to heaven.

Even crumbs are bread.

The poor man wants much, the miser everything.

A bird may be ever so small, it always seeks a nest of its own.

Let every bird sing its own note.

Better twice measured than once wrong.

The silent man is most trusted.

Where a man never goes,
there his head will never be washed.

Better walk unshackled in a green meadow
than be bound to a thornbush.

Money is more eloquent than a dozen members of parliament.

The poor man seeks for food, the rich man for appetite.

He who rides the horse is his master.

One man is not bad because another is good.

An honest man does not make
himself a dog for the sake of a bone.

The poor man wants much, the miser everything.

It is not easy to sting a bear with a straw.

The bird once out of hand is hard to recover.

Many a thing whispered into one ear
is heard over the whole town.

No man limps because another is hurt.

There is no cure against a slanderer's bite.

As a man dresses so is he esteemed.

He is a man who acts like a man.

As the man is, so is his speech.

Every man likes his own praise best.

Let every man carry his own sack to the mill.

If lies were to find credence,
they must be patched with truth.

A man's character reaches town before his person.

If the beard were all, the goat might preach.

What you do yourself is well done.

Many a man labors for the day he will never live to see.

If a man has folly in his sleeve,
it will be sure to peep out.

Every man must carry his own sack to the mill.

The poor man seeks for food,
the rich man for appetite.

The generous man grows rich in giving,
the miser poor in taking.

There is no need to blow what does not burn you.

The dog's kennel is not the place to keep a sausage.

A man often kisses the hand he would like to see cut off.

Luck has but a slender anchorage.

What you learn to your cost you remember long.

If you will stir up the mire, you must bear the smell.

A dog is a dog whatever his color.

A man must keep his mouth open a long while
before a roast pigeon flies into it.

Luck will carry a man across the brook
if he is not too lazy to leap.

A thankless man never does a thankful deed.

A man does not always aim at
what he means to hit.

Speak little of your ill luck, and boast
not of your good luck.

A man is not a lord because he feeds off fine dishes.

A man conducts himself abroad as
he has been taught at home.

Luck has much for many, but enough for no one.

Better a poor horse than an empty stall.

Hope is the dream of the waking.

A borrowed horse and your
own spurs make short miles.

Hope and expectation are a fool's income.

He who would be everywhere will be nowhere.

Justice often leans to the side where the purse pulls.

Better something on the arm
than all in the stomach.

Even clever hens sometimes l
ay their eggs among nettles.

He must be a clever host that would
take the devil into his hostelry.

A bad horse eats as much as a good one.

You may force a horse to the water,
but you cannot make him drink.

You cannot take a cow from a man who has none.

When the cord is tightest it is nearest snapping.

A willing helper does not wait until he is asked.

It is difficult to spit honey out of a mouth full of gall.

Live according to your means.

A burnt child fears the fire, and bitten child fears a dog.

He who would eat the kernel must crack the shell.

He who has many irons in the fire will let some of them burn.

There is help for everything, except death.

He who would not go to hell, must go to court.

He who would steal honey must not be afraid of bees.

He who has a white horse and a fair wife
is seldom without trouble.

It is vain to fish without a hook, or learn to read without a book.

The greater the fear, the nearer the danger.

The hen flies not far unless the cock flies with her.

He who feeds the hen ought to have the egg.

It is easy to sit at the helm in fine weather.

As the master is, so are his men.

A golden key opens every door
except that of heaven.
