
English Proverbs (1401-1500)

No gains without pains.

Bachelors are but half of a pair of scissors.

Much business, much pardon.

Consideration is the parent of wisdom.

The country pays for all.

Marry in haste, repent at leisure.

Nothing is more easily blotted out than a good turn.

Saving must equal having.

All things require skill but an appetite.

Diffidence is the mother of safety.

Two shots never go in the same place.

Truth never grows old.

One never loses good turns by doing.

That never ends ill which begins in God's name.

He that is master of himself will soon be master of others.

A tinker and a piper make bad music together.

Wise men in the world are like timber trees
in a hedge-here and there one.

It is the farmer's care that makes the field bear.

A merciful man is merciful to his beast.

Sufferer overcomes.

Where love is, there's no lack.

There are three faithful friends, an old wife,
an old dog, and ready money.

A word is more to him that has wisdom than a sermon to a fool.

When pride rides, shame lacqueys.

Jesting lies bring serious sorrows.

Salmon and sermon have both their season in Lent.

When women are on board there is no want of wind.

A good maxim is never out of season.

Children and fools have merry lives.

Honors change manners.

He that lives long suffers much.

Children when they are little make parents fools,
when great, mad.

No silver, no servant.

One must be a servant before he can be a master.

A man can't serve two mistresses-his country and his wife.

No vice goes alone.

As good water goes by the mill as drives it.

The mouse goes abroad where the cat is not lord.

He that goes softly, goes safely.

Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves.

Every kick is a boost.

Nurture passes nature.

Good name is better than riches.

He dances well to whom fortune pipes.

The first dish pleases all.

What the eye sees not, the heart rues not.

Truth shames the devil.

He that saves his dinner will have the more for supper.

Many a one for land takes a fool by the hand.

What the good wife spares, the cat eats.

Pains are the wages of ill pleasures.

Time tries truth.

As the market goes wives must sell.

Faith sees by ears.

Better sell than live poorly.

A fool's bolt is soon shot.

He that rises betimes has something in his head.

Brawling curs never want sore ears.

It is soon espied where the thorn pricks.

After kissing comes more kindness.

An honest woman dwells at the sign
of an honest countenance.

The highest tides produce lowest ebbs.

Dogs begin in jest and end in earnest.

The grave is good rest.

No man can stand always upon his guard.

He who will steal a calf will steal a cow.

Sweetest wine makes sharpest vinegar.

Ask no questions and get no lies.

Wherever there is a secret
there must be something wrong.

He that tells a secret is another's servant.

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Trash and trumpery is the highway to beggary.

The pot always calls the kettle an ugly name.

Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.

A good paymaster needs no surety.

Old age is sickness enough of itself.

Living well is the best revenge.

A bad shearer never had a good sickle.

Water never rises above its level.

An old goat is never the more reverend for his beard.

Harvest comes not every day,
though it comes every year.

He that lends, gives.

Tomorrow is a new day.

One wedding begets another.

Truth is a jewel.

Think well of all men.

A wicked man is his own hell.

A will is a will.

The wind keeps not always in one quarter.

Travel makes a wise man better,
but a fool worse.

Drink in, wit out.

Anger dies quickly with a good man.

Faint heart never won fair lady.

Bad words make a woman worse.

Wrinkled purses make wrinkled faces.

Every tide will have an ebb.

Many who wear rapiers are afraid of goose quills.

Better eye out than always ache.

Precepts may lead but examples draw.

An ill paymaster never wants excuse.

A fault once excused is twice committed.
