
English Proverbs (2301-2400)

Sin that is hidden is half forgiven.

Frugality is an income.

Cuckolds are kind.

What's a man but his mind?

Mass and meat never hindered work.

Little sticks kindle the fire, great ones put it out.

He that burns most shines most.

From fame to infamy is a beaten road.

He that lives on hope will die fasting.

Saving is getting.

When a man is going down, everybody lends him a kick.

Where nothing is, the king must lose his right.

Complimenting is lying.

There is difference between living long and suffering long.

An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of learning.

What a day may bring, a day may take away.

Sell nothing on trust.

The year does nothing else but open and shut.

Sing before breakfast, cry before night.

Everyone is weary-the poor in seeking,
the rich in keeping, the good in learning.

Doing is better than saying.

In wiving and thriving a man should
take counsel of all the world.

My mind to me a kingdom is.

Three things are insatiable: priests, monks, and the sea.

Service is no inheritance.

He threatens many that is injurious to one.

Contempt will sooner kill an injury than revenge.

A little leak will sink a great ship.

Everyone thinks he knows much.

Everyone thinks his burden heaviest.

Fair words will not make the pot boil.

He who gains little gains much.

Folks that tend babies mustn't have pins about them.

A good start wins the race.

Every cross has its inscription.

Fools may invent fashions that wise men will wear.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

The cat invites the mouse to a feast.

One slumber invites another.

An inward sore puts out the physician's eye.

The early bird gets the late one's breakfast.

A living dog is better than a dead lion.

A fair face is half a portion.

Whip and whirr never made good fur.

Slander is a shipwreck by a dry tempest.

The peacock has fair feathers but foul feet.

All stratagems are fair in war.

A good reputation is a fair estate.

The third time is never like the rest.

He overtakes at last who tires not.

A silver key can open an iron lock.

Cast no dirt into the well that has given you water.

A man's wealth is his enemy.

Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.

Fortune helps him that is willing to help himself.

That which is well done is twice done.

A gentleman should have more in his pocket than on his back.

Where one is wise, two are happy.

Every penny that is taken is not clear gain.

He that is suffered to do more than
is fitting will do more than is lawful.

He is wise that is honest.

He is wise that follows the wise.

Let every man praise the bridge he goes over.

A miserly father has a thriftless son.

It is a sorry ass that will not bear his own burden.

The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better friends.

He is an ill husband that is not missed.

A whistling woman and a crowing hen are two
of the unluckiest things under the sun.

Experience is the mistress of fools.

Leave jesting while it pleases, lest it turn to earnest.

He that has a wife and children must not
sit with his fingers in his mouth.

A carrion kite will never make a good hawk.

A white wall is a fool's paper.

There's no getting white meal out of a coal sack.

No rose without a thorn.

Better be envied than pitied.

Disease will have its course.

Every gap has its bush.

Need will have its course.

A good name keeps its lustre in the dark.

So many heads, so many wits.

Anger punishes itself.

Buds will be roses, and kittens, cats.

It is as cheap sitting as standing.

Praise little, dispraise less.

Better one's house too little one day than too big all the year after.

Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.

Two sparrows on one ear of corn make an ill agreement.

Love will creep where it cannot go.

Weigh not what you give, but what is given you.

Every man thinks he may live another year.

Wives and wind are necessary evils.

No living man all things can.

That is well spoken that is well taken.

Where the will is ready, the feet are light.

Many words will not fill a bucket.

Wine in the bottle quenches not thirst.

Few words to the wise suffice.

Be off with the old love before you are on with the new.

A wooden leg is better than no leg.
