
English Proverbs (2401-2500)

Good words cost nothing.

Provide for the worst, the best will save itself.

The worst spoke in a cart breaks first.

A man at sixteen will prove a child at sixty.

A young trooper should have an old horse.

The owl is not accounted the wiser for living retiredly.

Every Jack shall have Jill.

When all sins grow old, covetousness is young.

Our sins and our debts are always
greater than we take them to be.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Among friends all things are common.

Jokes are a bad coin to all but the jocular.

Better be drunk than drowned.

Well begun is half done.

God knows well which are the best pilgrims.

It is a blind goose that knows not a fox from a fern bush.

Bound is he that takes gifts.

Jests are never good till they're broken.

Beware the buyer.

Women and linen look best by candlelight.

Good counsel never comes amiss.

Cross the stream where it is ebbest.

Today a man, tomorrow a cuckold.

War is death's feast.

He that will catch eels must disturb the flood.

Guilt is always jealous.

It is easier to spy two faults than mend one.

A house filled with guests
is eaten up and ill spoken of.

A toiling dog comes halting home

Curiosity is endless, restless, and useless.

All fame brings envy.

An evil lesson is soon learned.

Kindle not a fire that you cannot extinguish.

A false tongue will hardly speak truth.

Old fish and young flesh do feed men best.

There is falsehood in fellowship.

Sparrow fight for corn which is none of their own.

Every fool can find faults that
a great many wise men can't remedy.

A fine day is not a weatherbreeder, but a fine day.

Wine is a turncoat-first a friend, then an enemy.

If folly were grief, every house would weep.

Keep some til furthermore come.

Enough is as good as a feast.

A good lawyer, an evil neighbor.

He grants enough that says nothing.

The tree that grows slowly keeps itself for another.

Health without money is half an ague.

Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth.

Ill seed, ill weed.

Littler folks be, the bigger they talk.

If the landlord lives the tenant starves.

The course of true love never did run smooth.

Everyone knows how to find fault.

What we do willingly is easy.

A little saving is no sin.

If the landlord lives the tenant starves.

Many things are lost for want of asking.

He is a true friend that loves me
for my love and not for my goods.

He that serves well need not be afraid to ask his wages.

A surgeon must have an eagle’s eye,
a lion’s heart, and a lady’s hand.

Dog does not eat dog.

He that will swear will lie.

The higher the hill, the lower the grass.

A man knows his companion
in a long journey and a little inn.

A joyful evening may follow a sorrowful morning.

He that runs fast will not run long.

When you ride a young colt, see your saddle be well girt.

Young saint, old devil.

He that sends a fool means to follow him.

Don't shout till you are out of the wood.

Judge not things by their names.

He who will have no judge but himself, condemns himself.

A fox should not be of the jury at a goose's trial.

Be just to all, but trust not all.

He that would be well served must know
when to change his servants.

A little pride is good even in a wild horse.

What words won't do, gold will.

Better do it than wish it done.

Idle brains are the devil's workshop.

Laziness is not worth a pin unless it is well followed.

Words are women.

Take your wife's first advice.

No man will seek riches in a beggar's cottage.

All be not true that speak fair.

A wise man's thoughts walk within him,
but a fool's without him.

Weak food best fits weak stomachs.

It is hard for any man all faults to mend.

Repentance always comes behind.

Two heads are better than one.

He never has a bad lease that has a good landlord.

Fools will be fools.

That is the best gown that goes up and down the house.

Hatred is blind as well as love.

He that has gold may buy land.

Kissing goes by favor.

He's a slave that cannot command himself.

Take care of the pence.

After a delay comes a let.

Never cross a bridge till you come to it.

A little debt makes a debtor, but a great one an enemy.
