
English Proverbs (2501-2600)

Better go about than fall into the ditch.

Great gain make work easy.

Like word, like deed.

One woodcock does not make a winter.

Weight and measure take away strife.

It is easier to fall than rise.

The wolf eats often of the sheep that have been warned.

Honey is dear bought if licked off thorns.

Need makes the naked man run.

A poor man’s table is soon spread.

Dogs bark as they are bred.

He who peeps throug a hole may see what will vex him.

Sorrow ends not when it seems done.

Blood is thicker than water.

Many a one for land takes a fool by the hand.

You must sell as markets go.

Of evil life comes evil end.

The wife is the key of the house.

Sloth is key to poverty.

Supple knees feed arrogance.

Good fences make good neighbors.

Make a coward fight and he will kill the devil.

Tell a lie and find out the truth.

He that smells the first savor is the fault's first father.

A good fame is better than a good face.

All are good maids, but whence come the bad wives?

He that grasps at too much holds nothing fast.

Power seldom grows old at court.

Life is half spent before we know what it is.

A willful man must have his way.

Don't kick a fellow when he's down.

The cow gives good milk, but kicks over the pail.

Ill sowers make ill harvest.

Fancy may kill or cure.

Shame in a kindred cannot be avoided.

Genius is as tender as a skinned cat.

If you would have a good servant,
take neither a kinsman nor a friend.

Who has skirts of straw needs fear the fire.

If you can kiss the mistress, never kiss the maid.

A lark is better than a kite.

Make not two sorrows of one.

Many a little makes a mickle.

A little pot is soon hot.

Land was never lost for want of an heir.

The longest purse will prevail.

Better belly burst than good drink lost.

He loves sheep's flesh well that eats the wool.

In a good house all things are quickly ready.

The devil is a knave.

If there were no knaves and fools,
all the world would be alike.

He that is too secure is not safe.

Better the harm I know than That I know not.

The tree is known by its fruit.

The fox knows much, but more he that catches him.

Money is wise; it knows its way.

He that fights and runs away may live to fight another day.

Silks and satins put out the kitchen fire.

He that talks much of his happiness, summons grief.

The horse thinks one thing,
and he that saddles him another.

The body is sooner dressed than the soul.

He cannot speak well that cannot hold his tongue.

A wild goose never lays a tame egg.

When the cat's away the mice will play.

Wishers and would-ers are never good householders.

Human nature is the same all the world over.

If you would be well served, serve yourself.

Unlucky in love, lucky at play.

Sweep before your own door.

He that has no ill fortune, is troubled with good.

Plain dealing is a jewel.

Speak no ill of another until you think of yourself.

It's a shame to steal, but a worse to carry home.

Two bullets never go in one place.

Where the deer is slain, there will some of his blood lie.

The plain fashion is best.

Foxes are all tail and women all tongue.

They that are booted are not always ready.

0 He that has some land must have some labor.

The eyes have one language everywhere.

A mole wants no lanthorn.

He who plants a walnut tree, expects not to eat of the fruit.

Send not a cat for lard.

True lovers are shy, when people are by.

Sometimes the largest flame is soonest extinguished.

Single long, shame at last.

Pity is a poor plaster.

He that marries late marries ill.

Good luck never comes too late.

It is too late to spare when all is spent.

Fools no Latin know.

Learn weeping and you shall laugh gaining.

Hours were made for slaves.

Necessity has no law.

A unlawful oath is better broken than kept.

He who is his own lawyer has a fool for his client.

Who will not lay up a penny shall never have many.

Play in summer, starve in winter.

An ill master makes bad scholars.

Labor to be as you would be thought.

Hunger is the best sauce.
