
English Proverbs (3001-3100)

A true jest is no jest.

A man without money is no man at all.

Beauty is no inheritance.

Fair exchange is no robbery.

He that has no money needs no purse.

Good wine needs no bush.

No sweet without sweat.

The belly has no ears.

A noble housekeeper needs no doors.

Everybody's business is nobody's business.

A bribe will enter without knocking.

Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate.

Old friends and old wine are best.

One of these days is none of these days.

Many without punishment, but none without fault.

Advice to all, security for none.

Today a man, tomorrow none.

Neither borrow nor flatter.

The devil is not so black as he is painted.

Waste not, want not.

That which proves too much proves nothing.

He that nothing questions, nothing learns.

There comes nought out of the sack,
but what was there.

He that has nought shall have nought.

Desires are nourished by delays.

Learn not and know not.

Plenty know good ale but don't know much after that.

A servant is known in the absence of his master.

He that knows you will never buy you.

He that gains time gains all things.

When quality opens the door there is poverty behind.

The last suitor wins the maid.

Where sense is wanting, everything is wanting.

Honor is unseemly for a fool.

He who comes uncalled sits unserved.

A trade is better than service.

Old porridge is sooner heated than new made.

Wishers want will.

War, hunting, and love are as full of troubles as pleasures.

A gentle hound should never play the cur.

You may beat the devil into your wife,
but you'll never bang him out again.

He that hunts robin or wren,
will never prosper boy nor man.

Too late repents the rat when caught by the cat.

Every pot has two handles.

One is no number.

Many kiss the child for the nurse's sake.

Nature passes nurture.

An old cart well used may last out a new one abused.

A giant will starve with what will surfeit a dwarf.

It is wit to pick a lock and steal a horse,
but it is wisdom to let them alone.

The sun is never the worse for shining on a dunghill.

A good woman is worth, if she were sold,
the fairest crown that's made of purest gold.

Some that speak no ill of any, do no good to any.

A penny in purse will bid me drink,
when all the friends I have will not.

It is good sheltering under an old hedge.

Laws catch flies, but let the hornets go free.

Whores and thieves go by the clock.

There is no foe to the flatterer.

To the mouth of a bad dog often falls a good bone.

Prettiness makes no pottage.

Two fools in a house are too many.

Better too soon, than too late.

It ought to be a good tale that is twice told.

All things are difficult before they are easy.

Wise men are caught in wiles.

Every man must row with such oars as he has.

The king's word is more than another man's oath.

Busybodies never want a bad day.

An obedient wife commands her husband.

Misunderstandings are best prevented by pen and ink.

The bound must obey.

He that commands well shall be obeyed well.

That which was bitter to endure may be sweet to remember.

He that's ill to himself will be good to nobody.

He that robs a scholar robs twenty men.

Friars observant spare their own and eat other men's.

He that can stay obtains.

None can guess the jewel by the casket.

The wise man must carry the fool upon his shoulders.

If you mock the lame you will go so yourself.

Take not counsel in the combat.

Who is a cuckold and conceals it carries coals in his bosom.

If a man wants a good dinner, he must pay for it.

Discount is good pay.

In time comes he whom God sends.

Better have cats' good will than their ill will.

One hour today is worth two tomorrow.

There is luck in odd numbers.

Two to one is odds at football.

There are odds in all things.

It is good to find modest words to express immodest things.

Comparisons are odious.

The gods themselves may be taken with gifts.

A willful man never wants woe.

Better are small fish than an empty dish.

Eat enough and it will make you wise.

He that goes to law holds a wolf by the ears.

The lamb goes as far as the staggerer.

There goes the wedge where the beetle drives it.

The men of principle may be the principal men.
