
English Proverbs (4201-4300)

He that will thrive must rise at five;
he that has thriven may lie till seven.

He that rises first is first dressed.

The world runs on wheels.

The less wit a man has, the less he knows that he wants it.

Better pass a danger once than be always in fear.

The poor man's labor is the rich man's wealth.

A ship under sail, a man in complete armor,
and a woman with a great belly
are three of the handsomest sights.

Women are saints in church.

The buyer needs a hundred eyes, the seller but one.

He that goes to marry likes to know whether
he shall have a chimney to his house.

One cannot live by selling ware for words.

He that sells wares for words must live by the loss.

Hope helps.

Truth lies on the surface of things.

He that believes all, misses; he that believes nothing, hits not.

A good workman is known by his chips.

One is not so soon healed as hurt.

Who seeks what he should not, finds what he would not.

A young man negligent, an old man necessitous.

A fat housekeeper makes lean executors.

Before you marry make sure of a house wherein to tarry.

Vinegar is the son of wine.

He fasts enough that has a bad meal.

Do not swallow before you chew.

Talk doesn’t hurt.

Do not spur a free horse.

Who practices nothing shall have nothing.

When the sun is highest it casts the least shadow.

Women must have the last word.

The last benefit is most remembered.

The ass that brays most eats least.

He that does most at once does least.

Age must have allowance.

Pain past is pleasure.

Hope is a lover's staff.

True blue will never stain.

The king's word must stand.

There is a difference between staring and stark blind.

There is difference between staring and stark mad.

When the horse is starved you bring him oats.

God stays long but strikes at last.

Haste makes waste.

Better known than trusted.

One eye of the master's sees more than ten of the servants'.

Step after step the ladder is ascended.

No longer foster food, no longer friend.

Passion will master you if you do not master your passion.

A stern chase is a long chase.

God defend me from my friends;
I'll keep myself from my enemies.

Don't stick your seam before you've tacked it.

Rancor sticks long by the ribs.

There is no grace in giving that
which sticks to the fingers.

Say well or be still.

When you are an anvil, hold your still;
when you are a hammer, strike your fill.

The stillest humors are always the worst.

A hog that’s bemired endeavors to bemire others.

He that sows in the highway tires his oxen, and loses his corn.

If the mountain will not come to Mohammed,
Mohammed will go to the mountain.

A little rain stills a great wind.

The mad dog bites his master.

Those who do not know how to swim, will sink like a stone.

He whose belly is full believes not him that is fasting.

Fish and company stink in three days.

It is a poor dog that is not worth whistling for.

There's but bad choice where the whole stock is bad.

Nothing is stolen without hands.

Poor men seek meat for their stomachs; rich men stomachs for their meat.

You can't get blood out of a stone.

I lent I was When I lent I was a friend, when I asked I was unkind.

He that will not stoop for a pin will never be worth a pound.

Always a calm before a storm.

A good cause makes a stout heart and a strong arm.

A straight stick is crooked in the water.

Nought can restrain consent of twain.

Poverty makes strange bedfellows.

Better is art than strength.

Raw leather will stretch.

The end tries all.

Want makes strife.

He that strikes with his tongue, must ward with his head.

Wit and will strive for the victory.

Save a man from his friends,
and leave him to struggle with his enemies.

Right is a stubborn thing.

It is a good horse that never stumbles.

One honest man is worth two rogues.

The hasty man never wants woe.

Beauty is the subject of a blemish.

Gentleness in the manner, but substance in the thing.

Sadness and gladness succeed each other.

There's no such flatterer as a man's self.

Such tree, such fruit.

Sue a beggar and catch a louse.

Truly it is much better to suffer wrong than to do wrong.

For age and want save while you may,
no morning sun lasts a whole day.

They that walk in the sun will be tanned at last.

After rain comes sunshine.

It is hard to sup and blow with one breath.

He sits not sure that sits too high.

Slow and sure.

Sure and unsure are not all one.
