
English Proverbs (4501-4600)

The road to the head lies through the heart.

Stay till the lame messenger come,
if you will know the truth of the thing.

Every fox must pay his own skin to the flayer.

A word to the wise is enough.

Wise men have their mouths in their hearts;
fools have their hearts in their mouths.

Poverty is the mother of all arts and trades.

He is a fool that thinks not that another thinks.

No heralds in the grave.

There never was a persimmon
except there was a possum to eat it.

There is more talk than trouble.

What the rake gathers, the fork scatters.

Dogs bark before they bite.

Faults are thick where love is thin.

The devil laughs when one thief robs another.

Opportunity makes the thief.

A thin meadow is soon mowed.

Better spare to have of thine own than ask of other men.

It is one thing in the mill, but another in the sack.

Nothing risked, nothing gained.

A scepter is one thing and a ladle another.

Speak fair and think what you will.

Think of saving as well as getting.

He is desperate that thinks himself so.

The third time pays for all.

Every dog has his day.

They love dancing well that dance among the thorns.

None are so wise as those who know nothing.

Write down the advice of him who loves you,
though you like it not at present.

A penny for your thought.

There is no rule without an exception.

No land without stones, or meat without bones.

She spins a good thread that brings up her daughter well.

There are more men threatened than struck.

Three things breed jealousy: a mighty state,
a rich treasure, and a fair wife.

Three women and a goose make the market.

He that by the plough would thrive,
himself must either hold or drive.

Ill-gotten goods thrive not.

Honesty is ill to thrive by.

He thrives well that God loves.

Who spends before he thrives will beg before he thinks.

He that labors and thrives, spins gold.

The singing man keeps his shop in his throat.

A flatterer's throat is an open sepulchre.

My belly thinks my throat cut.

A fool may throw a stone into a well,
which a hundred wise men cannot pull out.

Bees that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails.

When it thunders the thief becomes honest.

Flies will tickle lions being dead.

Fools tie knots and wise men loosen them.

He that pities another remembers himself.

It's ill shaving against the wool.

A still dog bites sore.

Any time is no time.

It is time to fear when tyrants seem to kiss.

Timely blossom, timely fruit.

A fair face may be a foul bargain.

People may get tireder by standing still than by going on.

A hired horse tires never.

They that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eat.

Death devours lambs as well as sheep.

A cold day or two or a little ice does not make winter.

Money, like dung, does no good till it's spread.

Little things are great to little men.

He that will live in peace and rest must
hear and see and speak the best.

He that loses his wife and sixpence has lost a farthing.

Dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you as to your bread.

A belly full of gluttony will never study willingly.

Fools and madmen speak the truth.

Fame is a magnifying glass.

Money makes the man.

The toll is more than the grist.

For a morning rain leave not your journey.

An envious man waxes lean
with the fatness of his neighbor.

A good deed is never lost.

Two women in one house will not agree long.

Old men go to death; death comes to young men.

He that takes the devil into his boat, make the best of him.

Need and night make the lame to trot.

Never let the plough stand to catch a mouse.

Drown not yourself to save a drowning man.

It's hard to get a stocking off a bare leg.

Think today and speak tomorrow.

Nothing is gotten without toil and labor.

An old nave is no babe.

Women, priests, and poultry never have enough.

Thrift is the philosopher's stone.

Wide ears and a short tongue is best.

A wise head makes a still tongue.

The tailor makes the man.

More than enough is too much.

Honey is too good for a bear.

It is hard to make an old dog stoop.

Music helps not the toothache.

A usurer is one that torments
men for their good conditions.

Words and feathers are tossed by the wind.

The stoutest heart must fail at last.

He that dies pays all debts.

There is no friendship in trade.

Straight trees have crooked roots.

A man under no restraint is a bear without a ring.
