
English Proverbs (4701-4800)

Sudden friendship, sure repentance.

Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.

Muddy springs will have muddy streams.

Fear is one part of prudence.

There is no virtue that poverty destroys not.

Many a true word is spoken in jest.

An easy fool is a knave's tool.

Good words quench more than a bucket of water.

Enough is enough.

He that fears death lives not.

Better suffer ill than do ill.

Even the lion must defend itself against flies.

Foolish tongues talk by the dozen.

The world is full of fools.

He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first.

The toughest skin will hold out the longest.

Courage ought to have eyes as well as arms.

Cooks are not to be taught in their own kitchen.

A good tongue is a good weapon.

Money governs the world.

Great hopes make great men.

The greatest burdens are not the gainfullest.

Many a dog is hanged for his skin,
and many a man is killed for his purse.

Fear has a quick ear.

A quiet tongue makes a wise head.

One ill word asks another.

A cat may look at a king.

The envious man shall never want woe.

The worst of law is that one suit breeds twenty.

Foul water is thrown down the sink.

Penny and penny laid up will be many.

Riches rule the roost.

Reason rules all things.

Like mistress like maid.

Little things please little minds.

He that cannot ask cannot live.

He pulls with a long rope that waits for another's death.

If you would know secrets, look for them in grief or pleasure.

He that will have all, loses all.

Scabby heads love not the comb.

He is lifeless that is faultless.

When the belly is full the mind is among the maids.

It is not the beard that makes the philosopher.

Many humble servants, but not one true friend.

Every man has his humor.

An hour in the morning before breakfast
is worth two all the rest of the day.

When the wine is run out, you'd stop the leak.

An unbidden guest knows not where to sit.

Great men's favors are uncertain.

Mustard is very uncivil because it takes one by the nose.

Skill and confidence are an unconquered army.

Ill luck is worse than found money.

Much corn lies under the straw that is not seen.

Time undermines us.

Correction gives understanding.

Fools have fortune.

There's may a good tune played on an old fiddle.

Better unfed than untaught.

Hard fare makes hungry bellies.

Never have anything to do with an unlucky man or place.

Youth and age will not agree.

He lives unsafely that looks too near on things.

Eggs cannot be unscrambled.

A sunshiny shower won't last half an hour.

It is lost that is unsought.

Flatterers haunt not cottages.

Better unborn than untaught.

The deer that goes too often to the lick meets the hunter at last.

Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's.

Tomorrow is untouched.

An untoward boy may make a good man.

Untraveled youths have ever homely wits.

Nothing is easy to the unwilling.

Though the devil is up early, God is up before him.

A little string will tie up a little bird.

After dinner sit awhile; after supper walk a mile.

Who sups well sleeps well.

He that sups with the devil needs a long spoon.

Life has its ups and downs.

More belongs to marriage than four bare legs in a bed.

Art improves nature.

It is no sure rule to fish with a crossbow.

The surest way to make enemies is to have too many friends.

Money is the sinew of love as well as of war.

No sunshine but has some shadow.

Once a man, twice a child.

The devil lurks behind the cross.

The tide may turn.

In sports and journeys men are known.

The lame returns sooner than his servant.

A wise man turns chance into good fortune.

Fancy surpasses beauty.

The spur won't hurt where the hide is thick.

Ill counsel hurts the counsellor.

Malice hurts itself most.

Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.

It is hard to sail over the sea in an eggshell.

A fool never makes a good husband.

Today a man, tomorrow a mouse.

Use is a great matter.
