
English Proverbs (4901-5000)

Crab apples make good jelly too.

An old dog will learn no new tricks.

Wealth makes wit waver.

The worse things are, the better they are.

The worth of a thing is what it will bring.

A light purse makes a heavy heart.

Youth will be served.

Self-preservation is the first law of nature.

Agree, for the law is costly.

Every new thing has a silver tail.

It is better to have a hen tomorrow than an egg today.

Never was good arrow made of a sow's tail.

If you pay not a servant his wages, he will pay himself.

Time and tide wait for no man.

Six awls make a shoemaker.

He that has a head of wax must not walk in the sun.

It will be all the same a hundred years hence.

The fool wanders, the wise man travels.

Want of care does us more
damage than want of knowledge.

War and physics are governed by the eye.

Some are weatherwise, some are otherwise.

He is wise that is ware in time.

Your belly will never let your back be warm.

The mountain was in labor and produced a mouse.

Clean hands want no washball.

Crows are never the whiter for washing themselves.

A living dog is better than a dead lion.

Waste not, want not.

All the water in the sea cannot wash out this stain.

One wave thrusts out another.

The stone that lies not in your way need not offend you.

Every man in his way.

The persuasion of the fortunate sways the doubtful.

A bad thing never dies.

Bare words are no good bargain.

Medicines be not meat to live by.

A clear conscience can bear any trouble.

He that will be rich before night may be hanged before noon.

Young prodigal in a coach will be old beggar barefoot.

A son should begin where his father left off.

They who make the best use of their time have none to spare.

Where saddles lack, better ride on
a pad than on the horse bareback.

Small birds must have meat.

Every wind blows down the corn.

He has wisdom at will that brags not of his skill.

Fair words break no bones.

Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper.

A good tree brings forth good fruit.

Fish make no broth.

Let the peddler carry his own burden.

He that steals can hide.

A rush for him that cares a straw for me.

An old cat laps as much milk as a young.

A cheerful look makes a dish a feast.

Nurses put one bit in the child's mouth
and two in their own.

Bad priests bring the devil into the church.

Women's advice is cold advice.

Clowns are best in their own company,
but gentlemen are best everywhere.

Evil words corrupt good manners.

If the master says the crow is white,
the servant must not say it is black.

An idle person is the devil's cushion.

A fool can dance without a fiddle.

Dogs show their teeth when they dare not bite.

The world is but a day's walk,
for the sun goes about it in twenty-four hours.

He that covers you, discovers you.

Women have two faults-they can neither do nor say well.

He rises betimes that lies in a dog's lair.

One poison drives out another.

The death of a young wolf never comes too soon.

Praise the child and you make love to the mother.

More than we use is more than we want.

Health is better than wealth.

A wise man never wants a weapon.

An ox when weariest treads surest.

Early wed, early dead.

An old wrinkle never wears out.

The mouse that has only one hole is easily taken.

A woman is a weathercock.

He that will wed a widow must come day and night.

He that weds before he's wise shall die before he thrive.

When the grain is weedy, we must reap high.

They that be in hell ween there is no other heaven.

He that sings in disaster, shall weep all his lifetime thereafter.

Better children weep than old men.

When two friends have a common purse,
one sings and the other weeps.

Truth and sweet oil always come to the top.

Give a clown your finger, and he'll take your hand.

He that weighs the wind must have a steady hand.

Deliver your words not by number but by weight.

None knows the weight of another's burden.

Reputation is a jewel whose loss cannot be repaired.

They that give are ever welcome.

For want of company welcome trumpery.

A constant guest is never welcome.

He that hears much and speaks not at all
shall be welcome both in bower and hall .

Never be weary of well doing.

Cutting out well is better than sewing.

Sometimes a penny well spent is better than a penny ill spared.

Hasty climbers have sudden falls.

Priests love pretty wenches.
