
English Proverbs (5101-5200)

Must is a king's word.

There is no work in the grave.

As is the workman so is the work.

Idleness is the greatest prodigality in the world.

He that sings worst let him begin first.

One good forewit is worth two afterwits.

One deed is worth a thousand speeches.

A pennyworth of ease is worth a penny.

Strike while the iron is hot.

Idle folks take the most pains.

A beggar's purse is bottomless.

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Time is the rider that breaks youth.

Everyone's faults are not written in their foreheads.

It is safest making peace with sword in hand.

He who hastens a glutton chokes him.

Children should be seen and not heard.

The eye that sees all things else sees not itself.

Better sell than live poorly.

Sweetest pleasures are the shortest.

A poor man wants some things, a covetous man all things.

Great marks are soonest hit.

Silence is wisdom when speaking is folly.

Every ass thinks himself worthy to stand with the king's horses.

Rotten apples are the sweetest.

He that will steal a pin will steal a better thing.

Sickness tells us what we are.

Woman's instinct is often truer than man's reasoning.

Sap runs best after a sharp frost.

Drift is as bad as unthrift.

He gives twice that gives quickly.

It is ill jesting with edged tools.

Though the sore be healed, yet a scar may remain.

A wicked man's gift has a touch of his master.

Figures will not lie.

Some are wise and some are otherwise.

Ale in, wit out.

Patience with poverty is all a poor man's remedy.

By little and little the bird makes his nest.

Much cry and little wool.

The remedy is worse than the disease.

A fair face cannot have a crabbed heart.

He that is thrown would ever wrestle.

Talk is cheap, it doesn’t cost anything but breath.

The penny is ill saved that shames the master.

Much law but little justice.

No penny, no postmaster.

Try before you trust.

Good following the way where the old fox goes.

Let every dog carry his own tail.

Fools are of all sizes.

Riches are but the baggage of fortune.

An old man is a bed full of bones.

Every man is best known to himself.

Love is blind.

Woman's jars breed men's wars.

The law was not made for the captain.

Dead mice feel no cold.

Haste comes not alone.

Smoke, rain, and a very cursed wife
makes a man weary of house and life.

Sow dry and set wet.

You must plough with such oxen as you have.

The end makes all equal.

Neither great poverty nor great riches will hear reason.

g More folks are wed than keep good houses.

It is good fish if it were caught.

Old fish and young ones don't get along in double harness.

A heady man and a fool may wear the same cap.

Feed a pig and you'll have a hog.

Pride and poverty are ill met, yet often seen together.

Better a mischief than an inconvenience.

Every man as his business lies.

Great pain and little gain make a man soon weary.

He that lives always at home, sees nothing but home.

Love looks for love again.

Fear makes people loving.

Difficulty makes desire.

New lords, new laws.

They are not all saints that use holy water.

Good broth may be made in an old pot.

First come, first served.

Soon gotten, soon spent.

Who spends more than he should shall
not have to spend when he would.

The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.

A broken latch lasts longer than a good one.

If you grease a cause well it will stretch.

An ounce of wit that's bought is worth a pound that's taught.

Tread on a worm and it will turn.

Debt is the worst poverty.

Fair words hurt not the tongue.

Alms never make poor.

Take, have, and keep are pleasant words.

A man need not look in your mouth to know how old you are.

A light purse is a heavy curse.

A rich man's money hangs him oftentimes.

It is merry to keep one's own.

Wrens may prey where eagles dare not perch.

So many servants, so many foes.

So many men, so many minds.

Many women, many words.
