
English Proverbs (5201-5300)

With foxes we must play the fox.

It is as great a pity to see a woman
weep as to see a goose go barefoot.

He that sharply chides is ready to pardon.

Say as men say, but think to yourself.

Early to bed and early to rise,
makes a man healthy and wealthy and wise.

He seems wise with whom all things thrive.

Widows are always rich.

From a bad paymaster get what you can.

A man may be young in years, and yet old in hours.

One business begets another.

Silence is the best ornament of a woman.

He that serves God for money,
will serve the devil for better wages.

Hungry flies bite sore.

Gifts break a rock.

Craft brings nothing home.

Be not a baker if your head be of butter.

The devil can quote scripture.

Let every dog carry his own tail.

When the sky falls we shall catch larks.

Where you think there is bacon there is no chimney.

One hands claws another.

Human blood is all of a color.

Strike, but conceal the hand.

More cost more worship.

Opportunity is the cream of time.

Words cut more than swords.

Out of debt, out of danger.

He that would do no ill must do all good or sit still.

Drive your business, let not that drive you.

There are no birds of this year in last year's nests.

Spies are the ears and eyes of princes.

Years know more than books.

Cat will not eat cat.

Better master one than engage with ten.

What is well done is done soon enough.

There is no good accord where every man would be a lord.

Hedges have eyes.

He that fears danger in time seldom feels it.

Standing pools gather filth.

It is not the fine coat that makes the gentleman.

God makes and apparel shapes,
but it is money that finishes the man.

Cover yourself with honey and the flies will eat you.

A fool's heart is in his tongue.

Much bruit, little fruit.

Patch by patch is good husbandry,
but patch upon patch is plain beggary.

Every thing is good in its season.

Reason governs the wise man, and cudgels the fool.

Great honors are great burdens.

The greatest step is that out of doors.

Everyone puts his fault on the times.

When bees are old they yield no honey.

An ill workman quarrels with his tools.

The second vice is lying, the first is running in debt.

Like lord like chaplain.

The postage stamp’s usefulness lies in the ability to stick.

Ride softly that you may get home the sooner.

Soft and fair goes far.

The older the worse.

Little things are pretty.

He knows enough that can live and hold his peace.

He loses his thanks who promises and delays.

Fools love all that is good.

A dog's nose and a maid's knees are always cold.

Money makes friends enemies.

A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day.

Many words will not fill a bucket.

He that promises too much means nothing.

Do it well that you may not do it twice.

Never praise a ford till you get one.

A good dog deserves a good bone.

He must swim that is held up by the chin.

If the old dog bark, he gives counsel.

Those who would enter paradise must have a good key.

Be a friend to yourself, and others will be so too.

God never pays his debts with money.

A tyrant's breath is another's death.

An ill bird lays an ill egg.

Everybody has his ways.

By and buy is easily said.

Ask the seller if his ware be bad.

One day is sometimes better than a whole year.

After joy comes sorrow.

The devil sometimes speaks the truth.

A sailor has a sweetheart in every port.

That is but an empty purse that is full of other men's money.

That which may fall out at any time, may fall out today.

Young people will be young people the world over.

Little pitchers have wide ears.

When wine sinks, words swim.

If the wise erred not, it would go hard with fools.

Tell me with whom you go, and I'll tell you what you do.

Fair words, foul deeds.

The worse luck now, the better another time.

Every man a little beyond himself is a fool.

When God will, all winds bring rain.

An american will go to hell for a bag of coffee.

The market is the best garden.

To a blind horse a nod is as good as a wink.

Looks breed love.

The mistress's eye feeds the capon.
