
Finnish Proverbs (76)

Better a little stupid than too wise.

Who steals a needle steals also a nail.

One has to creep before one can go.

A dog does not take it ill when he is hit with bread.

He that praises the past blames the present.

Kill the elk in your youth if you would lie on its skin in your old age.

Be always a little afraid so that you
never have need of being much afraid.

Fools are not sown nor ploughed, they grow of themselves.

Do not disregard a poor relative nor a slight wound.

He who cannot kindle a fire cannot love.

The fool tells his cares to another who lives in comfort.

Two hard stones do not make good flour.

The mill goes with the current and woman against it.

Foxes are caught with foxes.

He who drives oxen speaks of oxen.

A low stump upsets the sledge.

Gifts cripple the law, and grease
makes the wheels go round.

Who saves when he gets has when he needs.

Time is always before us.

A narrow river is soon rowed.

A good bell is heard far, a bad one still farther.

The water is the same on both sides of the boat.

Sense is required for business, music for dancing.

The ox lives safely as long as
the knife is being sharpened.

When one is in the mill one gets dusty.

One reaps the same corn one sows.

One sees with nothing so well as with eyes.

An old cow does not remember having been a calf.

A man without a wife is a man without thoughts.

Wealth can be concealed, but not poverty.

What the waterfall brings the stream carries away.

The world is a sure teacher, but it takes a big payment.

The years are gravediggers of our joys and sorrows.

The goat eats where it is tired.

Even a small star shines in the darkness.

A sleigh demands a colt, a house needs a man.

A rotting tree leans long before it falls.

When two thieves quarrel the farmer gets back his cow.

Wise from the misfortune but not rich.

Even in the sheath the knife must be sharp.

The pike knows the bottom of the lake,
and God the bottom of the sea.

It is hard to water a horse which does not hold down his head.

The satisfied man knows nothing of hunger,
and the laughing man nothing of tears.

The married man has many cares, the unmarried one many more.

Love is a flower which turns into fruit at marriage.

He needs a long candle who awaits the death of another.

One climbs up the tree from the root, not from the top.

What is gained in war is eaten in war.

The motherless child is in the way
when the stepmother bakes.

Courage vanquishes some sufferings
and patience the others.

Even a crust is bread.

A spot in gold and a fault in a wise man are soon visible.

One cannot jump higher than one's head.

Hope keeps alive the poor; fear kills the rich.

A biting dog does not bark.

The evil is soon done; the sore is aching long.

The hours of parting are the warmest.

It is home in the dog's mind where it has been three nights.

Where the horse wallows the hair remains behind.

God is not yet going on crutches.

One cannot ski so softly that the traces cannot be see.

Everybody collects coals under his own kettle.

The illness of the rich is known to all,
but not even the death of the poor.

The pig dreams of its trough.

Love is a fair garden, and marriage a field of nettles.

There's always a listener where there's a speaker.

The echo knows all languages.

A man has plenty of time to choose a wife.

A man goes out of his house for business,
a woman to be looked at.

A man is a man, even a ruined one.

A man is often too young to marry
but a man is never too old to love.

The skin of the young is elastic.

Sense is required for business, music for dancing.

Age does not give sense, it only makes one go slowly.

A biting dog does not bark.

A dog does not take it ill when he is hit with bread.
