
French Proverbs (001-100)

He is past preaching to who does not care to do well.

Who proves too much proves nothing.

One may steal nothing save a lawyer's purse.

Princes will not be served on conditions.

Rage vails less than courage.

A stick is a peacemaker.

Spur not a willing horse.

No purchase like a gift.

Never seemed a prison fair or mistress foul.

Princes use men as the husbandman uses bees.

To know a man well one must have
eaten a bushel of salt with him.

It is not enough to run; one must start in time.

A fair promise binds a fool.

Promising and performing are two things.

There is no pride like that of a beggar grown rich.

Who punishes one threatens a hundred.

Little presents maintain friendship.

He who has his purse full preaches to the poor man.

One always knocks oneself in the sore place.

The first step is all the difficulty.

Between the word and the deed there's a long step.

The flawed pot lasts longer.

Easy to say is hard to do.

The only way to keep a secret is to say nothing.

Possession is as good as a title.

Do not abstain from sowing for fear of the pigeons.

He who quits his place loses it.

There's no need to grease the fat pig's rump.

From short pleasure long repentance.

Everyone takes his pleasure where he finds it.

He who never budges from Paris will never be Pope.

Every potter vaunts his own pot.

Poverty is not a vice.

You must not throw stones into your neighbor's garden.

Great scholars are not the shrewdest men.

No sauce like appetite.

Who can not work out his salvation by heart will not do it by book.

The first step binds one to the second.

Poverty is a sort of leprosy.

Honest poverty is thinly sown.

For one pleasure a thousand pains.

Scratch people where they itch.

Who pays soon borrows when he will.

People take more pains to be damned than to be saved.

He who pays well is well served.

The higher the rise the greater the fall.

People lend only to the rich.

Some sell and don't deliver.

He sleeps securely who has nothing to lose.

Paper bears anything.

There is no spite like that of a proud beggar.

Many a one suffers for what he can't help.

Everything passes, everything breaks, everything wearies.

People count up the faults of those
who keep them waiting.

Fat pastures make fat venison.

It is only at the tree loaded with fruit that people throw stones.

A peg for every hole.

It is in vain to lead the ox to the water if he is not thirsty.

It is not the big oxen that do the best day's work.

Where there is no sore there is no need for a plaster.

He who is at sea does not direct the winds.

One cannot be at the oven and the mill at the same time.

He who lives long knows what pain is.

He that stumbles and falls not, mends his pace.

He is a thief indeed who robs a thief.

A sack is best tied before it is full.

Nothing is had for nothing.

It is folly to gape against an oven.

A dealer in onions is a good judge of scallions.

A little pack serves a little peddler.

You cannot get oil out of a wall.

Everyone preaches for his own saint.

Some sell and don't deliver.

Precious ointments are put in small boxes.

Take an ox by his horn, a man by his word.

A big nose never spoiled a handsome face.

It is better to leave the child's nose dirty than wring it off.

Let him who feels he has a dirty nose wipe it.

Great thieves hang the little ones.

Better to stumble once than be always tottering.

Who blows his nose too hard makes it bleed.

An old oven is easier to heat than a new one.

He who has nothing fears nothing.

A sack was never so full but that
it would hold another grain.

Rust wastes more than use.

The miser and the pig are of no use till dead.

The merchant that loses cannot laugh.

Money makes dogs dance.

Another's misfortune is only a dream.

Money is round; it must roll.

The nearer the minster the later to mass.

Do not lend your money to a great man.

A thing too much seen is little prized.

A little thing often helps.

One never gets more than one's
money's worth of anything.

The secret of two is God's secret; the secret
of three is everybody's secret.

Saying well causes a laugh, doing well produces silence.

When thieves fall out the thefts are discovered.

One must lose a minnow to catch a salmon.

After mischance everyone is wise.
