
German Proverbs (301-400)

Fancy requires much, necessity but little.

No one sees his own faults.

Old people see best in the distance.

Nought needs no hiding place.

Many see more with one eye than others with two.

In the mirror we see our form, in wine the heart.

One bad eye spoils the other.

The eyes believe themselves, the ears other people.

Envy envies itself.

He who will have eggs, must bear with the cackling.

Better envy than pity.

He who has three enemies must agree with two.

A fish should swim thrice; in water, in sauce, and in wine.

Where the fence is lowest, the devil leaps over.

Forgiven is not forgotten.

Nought is good for the eyes, but not for the stomach.

The higher the bell is hung, the shriller it sounds.

The ass and his driver do not think alike.

He who ploughs with young oxen makes crooked furrows.

Fortune and misfortune are two buckets in a well.

One fool praises another.

Nobody so wise but has a little folly to spare.

Fortune and women are partial to fools.

Great fish are caught in great waters.

Nothing looks more like a man of sense
than a fool who holds his tongue.

Painted flowers are scentless.

Not all flowers are fit for nosegays.

He is lucky who forgets what cannot be mended.

He who begins much, finishes little.

The beginning hot, the middle lukewarm, the end cold.

Learned fools exceed all fools.

Old oxen tread hard.

Nothing is so new as what has long been forgotten.

One foe is too many, and a hundred friends are too few.

Learned fools are the greatest fools.

Today in finery, tomorrow in filth.

Little folks are fond of talking about what great folks do.

Better badly mounted than proud on foot.

Were there no fools, there would be no wise men.

Between neighbors' gardens a fence is good.

One bee is as good as a handful of flies.

Old birds are hard to pluck.

Fools must not be set on eggs.

Little fishes make the pike big.

As the field, so the crops; as the father, so the sons.

Office without pay makes thieves.

The office teaches the man.

Fire in the heart sends smoke into the head.

A fence between males love more keen.

Strong folks have strong maladies.

Force surpasses law.

Flatterers are cats that lick before and scratch behind.

Nature and love cannot be hid.

Fish begin to stink at the head.

Fair flowers do not remain long by the wayside.

Five fingers hold more than two forks.

It is easier to guard a bushel of fleas than a woman.

Better an unjust peace than a just war.

He who builds on the public way must let the people have their say.

Take care of your field, and your field will take care of you.

Nothing should be done in a hurry except catching fleas.

He who blows in the fire will get sparks in his eyes.

The fatter the flea, the leaner the dog.

Necessity seeks bread where it is to be found.

Who readily borrows, readily lies.

Fortune is like women: loves youth and is fickle.

The fish lead a pleasant life; they drink when they like.

An old fox dos not run twice into the snare.

God's friend, the priest's foe.

God cures the sick, and the doctor gets the money.

Rich gamblers and old trumpeters are rare.

He who serves the people has a bad master.

What the peacock has too little on his head,
he has too much on his tail.

Gifts are according to the giver.

He who has to do with foxes must look after his henroost.

Black cows give white milk.

Bad bird, bad egg.

It is better to turn back than go astray.

He who looks on knows more of the game than he who plays.

Everybody's friend, everybody's fool.

He who lies on the ground must expect to be trodden on.

What man's hands make, man's hands can destroy.

When the guest is in most favor, he will do well to leave.

The unbidden guest is a burden.

He who lies in the grave is well lodged.

We do in haste what we repent at leisure.

What one does not have in the head,
one must have in the legs.

The middle path is the safe path.

A penny saved is twice earned.

Honesty lasts longest.

One must plough with the horses one has.

Hasten at leisure.

If there be a hell, Rome is built over it.

It is dear honey that must be licked off thorns.

Hobby horses are dearer than Arabians.

Fat hens lay few eggs.

Many heirs make small portions.

Don't reckon without your host.

When old horses get warm,
they are not easily held in.

The horse is not judged by the saddle.
