
Icelandic Proverbs (33)

A guest's eye is sharp sighted.

The revenge that is postponed is not forgotten.

It is better to keep back one word than to speak two.

An old man is a child for a long time.

It is difficult to teach an old dog to sit down.

Women's counsels are often fatal.

You do not know who is friend or enemy until the ice breaks.

The twigs are rarely better than the trunk.

Every man is master at home.

If many spit on a stone it becomes wet at last.

Love comes after marriage.

Errands are small on a spring day.

It is better to keep back one word than to speak two.

A sitting crow starves.

Riches are not the only wealth.

God is in heaven and grass is on the earth.

The will of man is his paradise, but it often becomes his hell.

The story is only half told when one side tells it.

A man's best friend is his dog, better even than his wife.

Two are an army against one.

Character is always corrupted by prosperity.

Eyesight is more powerful than hearsay.

In time of trouble a near neighbor
is better than a distant brother.

It is better to postpone than to forget.

Better a hawk in the hand than two in flight.

More belongs to dancing than a pair of fine shoes.

That which leaves no trace has done no harm.

Hand washes hand and stone polishes stone.

All sails do not suit every ship.

Love ends when the can is empty.

He who lives without discipline dies without honor.

It is difficult to teach an old dog to sit down.

A man’s best friend is his dog, better even than his wife.
