— African (Shona) A coward's fear can make a coward valiant.
— English A coward often deals a mortal blow to the brave.
— French A valiant man's look is more than a coward's sword.
— English A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend.
— English ❖ Better be a coward than foolhardy.
— French Between two cowards, he has the advantage
who first detects the other.
— Italian Caution is no cowardice; even fleas are armed.
— Russian Cowards have no luck.
— German Cowards don't play at cards.
— Russian ❖ Cowards are cruel.
— English Cowards die often.
— English Despair gives courage to a coward.
— English Even a coward pursues him who runs away.
— Czech For compassion and cowardice there is no remedy.
— Yiddish ❖ He who is a traitor is a coward.
— Turkish Make a coward fight and he will kill the devil.
— English Many would be cowards, if they had courage enough.
— English Necessity and opportunity may make a coward valiant.
— English Nobody is a coward when his rights are trampled upon.
— Filipino ❖ Strength avails not a coward.
— Italian The virtue of a coward is suspicion.
— English The mother of the coward does not grieve for him.
— African (Egypt) The real coward runs even if he is not wounded.
— Filipino The eye is a coward.
— Kenyan ❖ To evade danger is not cowardice.
— Filipino Under a brave general there are no cowardly soldiers.
— Japanese ❖❖❖