rumor without foundation. When evening falls all women become equal. Better a wise enemy than a foolish friend. A person bitten by a snake becomes
frightened at the sight of a dragged rope. A woman has only half a brain. ❖ He who marries a woman for her money
is good for nothing. A cemetery never refuses a dead man. To take revenge is not shameful. Feet which are always on the move
are not the feet of a hard-working man. Respect is given to wealth, not to men. ❖ The shepherd is responsible for
the shortcomings of the flock. One word in its place is worth a camel. Not every time a dog barks
should a bone be thrown to it. He who eats th sweets of life
should be able to bear the bitters of it. Though a dog becomes fat,
its meat is not edible. ❖❖❖