— English A little absence does much good.
— French Absence sharpens love, presence stengthens it.
— English Absence is a shrew.
— English Absence is a foe to love; out of sight out of mind
— Italian ❖ Absence is foe to love; away from
the eyes, away from the heart.
— Spanish Absent, none without blame;
present, none without excuse.
— French Abstinence is the best medicine.
— Indian (Tamil) Abstinence and fasting cure many a complaint.
— Danish Counting absent goats means counting even dead ones.
— African (Shona) ❖ Friendship is good, though absence from friends is painful.
— Irish God is our neighbor when our brother is absent.
— Swahili In the absence of moonlight the star shines.
— African (Hausa) Long absent soon forgotten.
— English ❖ Long absence changes friends.
— French One speaks badly of the absent
but fears the present.
— Nigerian The eye is blind if the mind is absent.
— Italian The eyewitness observes what the absent does not see.
— African (Egypt) The absent party is still faulty.
— English ❖ The dead and the absent have no friends.
— Spanish The absent are always in the wrong.
— French The absent always bear the blame.
— Dutch The absent are always to blame.
— Hebrew Though many guests are absent,
he only who enlivens the party is missed.
— African (Yoruba) ❖ When weeds invade the land,
it means the owner is absent.
— Ugandan You cannot shave a man's head in his absence.
— African (Yoruba) ❖❖❖