, pub-0418880821635173, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 World of Proverbs: Blind (026-050)

Blind (026-050)

Blind belief is dangerous.
— Kenyan

Blind zeal only does harm.
— German

Boldness is blind.
— English

Cover your eyes in the village
where everyone else is blind.
— Armenian

Death is blind.
— African (Swahili)

Don't waste your time trying to sell
a mirror to blind a person.
— Japanese

Every man is blind in his own cause.
— Scottish

Every man is blind to his own faults.
— Yiddish

God provides for the blind vulture.
— Ugandan

God takes care of a blind cow.
— Indian (Bihar)

Gold dust blinds all eyes.
— English

Hatred is blind as well as love.
— English

He who desires tranquility must
be deaf, blind, and tongueless.
— Turkish

He is very blind who cannot see the sun.
— Italian

He is eagle-eyed in other men's matters,
but as blind as a buzzard in his own.
— English

He's so blind he can't see a hole through a ladder.
— English

If the bitch were not in such haste,
she would not litter blind puppies.
— German

In vain you show light to the blind.
— Rumanian

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed is king.
— English

It is a blind goose that knows not a fox from a fern bush.
— English

It is a blind man's question to ask why
those things are loved which are beautiful.
— English

It is not easy to show the way to a blind man.
— Italian

Knowledge unused is like a torch in the hand of a blind man.
— Indian (Kashmiri)

Love and blindness are twin sisters.
— Russian

Love is blind to blemishes and faults.
— Irish
