, pub-0418880821635173, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 World of Proverbs: Cunning (21)

Cunning (21)

A cunning lawyer beats the devil.
— American

A cunning person's kiss is like that of a mosquito.
— Rumanian

Cunning is no burden.
— English

Cunning is better than strength.
— Irish

Cunning is followed by foolishness.
— African (Ovambo)

Cunning surpasses strength.
— German

Cunning has little honor.
— Danish

He who wants wisdom lives near a cunning person.
— African (Zulu)

If you speak with a cunning mouth,
I listen with a cunning ear.
— African (Annang)

In a bushel of winning is not a handful of cunning.
— English

It is a cunning part to play the fool well.
— English

The fox may lose his hair, but not his cunning.
— Dutch

The fox is cunning, but more cunning is he who catches it.
— Rumanian

The cunning wife makes her husband her apron.
— English

The cunning person dies in cunning.
— African (Zulu)

The cunning of women is strong,
and the cunning of the devil is weak.
— African (Morocco)

The greatest cunning is to have none at all.
— French

The most cunning are the first caught.
— French

Too much cunning undoes.
— English

Two cunning knaves need no broker.
— English

Wit is better than cunning.
— German
