, pub-0418880821635173, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 World of Proverbs: Doctor (001-025)

Doctor (001-025)

A doctor and farmer know more than a doctor alone.
— German

A doctor cannot cure his own illness.
— Korean

A beggar does not hate another beggar
as much as one doctor hates another.
— Polish

A fool makes his doctor his heir.
— Hungarian

A great doctor is accompanied by a great angel.
— Yiddish

A teacher will not criticize a teacher,
nor will a doctor criticize a doctor.
— Chinese

A clever doctor never treats himself.
— Chinese

After death the doctor.
— French

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
— English

An ape is never so like an ape,
as when he wears a doctor's cap.
— English

Before a doctor can cure one he will kill ten.
— Polish

Being without friends and without connections
is like being a doctor without ointment.
— Russian

Better pay the butcher than the doctor.
— English

Better no doctor at all than three.
— Polish

Death defies the doctor.
— Scottish

Death is the last doctor.
— Swedish

Diet cures more than doctors.
— English

Doctors differ.
— English

Doctors and gravediggers are partners.
— Yiddish

Don't let yourself be operated upon
by a doctor with a shaking hand.
— Mexican

Eat an apple on going to bed, and you'll keep
the doctor from earning his bread.
— English

Everyone is his own doctor.
— Greek

From a doctor and from a bathhouse
attendant there are no secrets.
— Yiddish

Go not with every ailment to the doctor,
nor with every complaint to the lawyer.
— Portuguese

God cures, and the doctor gets the money.
— Dutch
