— Irish The empty house is the wasp's estate.
— Indian (Hindustani) The bell is loud because it is empty.
— Polish The empty wagon must make room for the full one.
— German The rusty sword and empty purse
plead performance of covenants.
— English ❖ The full teapot makes no sound;
the half-empty teapot is very noisy.
— Chinese There is no market for empty purses.
— Russian There is plenty of sound in an empty barrel.
— Russian There is no wrongdoing in an empty house.
— Hawaiian Who guards two termite hills, returns empty handed.
— Ugandan ❖ Wine and wenches empty men's purses.
— English Words are empty, but the writing brush leaves traces.
— Chinese You think of water when the well is empty.
— Ethiopian ❖❖❖