, pub-0418880821635173, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 World of Proverbs: Enemies (076-100)

Enemies (076-100)

Mistrust your best friend as if
he were your worst enemy.
— Mexican

Money is an enemy.
— Japanese

Money makes friends enemies.
— English

Much wealth brings many enemies.
— African (Swahili)

Much power makes many enemies.
— English

Never trust much to a new
friend or an old enemy.
— Scottish

One enemy is too many, and a
hundred friends are too few.
— Italian

One man's enemy is another man's friend.
— Ghanaian

Our eyes are our enemies.
— Russian

Poverty is an enemy to good manners.
— English

Pride is the sworn enemy to content.
— English

Rather let it hurt your stomach
than give it away to enemies.
— Lebanese

Rather have a little something for your friend
than a great something for your enemy.
— Italian

Repay your enemy with a favor.
— Japanese

Save a man from his friends, and leave
him to struggle with his enemies.
— English

Speak well of your friends; of your
enemies neither well nor ill.
— Italian

Speak well of your friend,
of your enemy say nothing.
— English

Take heed of reconciled enemies.
— English

The angry and the weak are their own enemies.
— Russian

The surest way to make enemies
is to have too many friends.
— American

The man of your own trade is your enemy.
— Portuguese

The word of a friend makes you cry;
the word of an enemy makes you laugh.
— Cameroonian

The poor man's enemies are few,
the rich man's friends are even fewer.
— Yiddish

The enemy of a chief is he who has
grown up with him from childhood.
— African (Ashanti)

There is no such thing as an insignificant enemy.
— French
