, pub-0418880821635173, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 World of Proverbs: Friends (026-050)

Friends (026-050)

A friend is to be taken with his faults.
— Portuguese

A friend remains a friend up to his pocket.
— Yiddish

A true friend is better than relations.
— Turkish

A true friend is the nectar of life.
— Indian (Tamil)

A true friend is known in a doubtful matter.
— English

A friend is someone who walks by your side.
— Nigerian

A friend works in the light of the sun,
an enemy in the dark.
— Ugandan

A bad friend is no better than no friend.
— Japanese

A good friend never offends.
— English

A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend.
— English

A friend's eye is a good mirrir.
— Irish

A good friend is worth more than a bad brother.
— Serbo-Croatian

A friend is not so easy to find as to lose.
— Jamaican

You are better friends at a distance.
— Yiddish

A day with your friend is better than
a year with one who hates you.
— African (Hausa)

A morsel eaten gains no friend.
— English

A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman.
— English

A new friend makes the old forgotten.
— English

A penny in purse will bid me drink,
when all the friends I have will not.
— English

A penny in the purse is better than a friend at court.
— English

A ready way to lose your friend is to lend him money.
— English

A secret is a weapon and a friend.
— Irish

You don't need to have one hundred rubles
if you have one hundred friends.
— Russian

A thief and darkness are friends.
African (Shona)

A wise enemy is better than an unwise friend.
— Indian (Kashmiri)
