, pub-0418880821635173, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 World of Proverbs: Friends (051-075)

Friends (051-075)

A youth that does not cultivate friendship
with the elderly is like a tree without roots.
— Ugandan

A fair-weather friend changes with the wind.
— Spanish

A joke never gains over an enemy,
but often loses a friend.
— English

A good word always falls on a friendly spot.
— Estonian

A broken friendship may be soldered,
but will never be sound.
— English

A small house may hold a thousand friends.
— Lebanese

A foe is better than a dissembling friend.
— English

A well-known friend is a treasure.
— Chinese

A table friend is changeable.
— French

A man has no worse friends
than those he brings with him.
— Scottish

A clown enriched knows
neither relation nor friend.
— French

A knot in the tree spoils the axe;
famine spoils friendship.
— African (Efik)

A reconciled friend is a double enemy.
— English

A full purse never wanted a friend.
— Scottish

A friend in need is a friend in deed.
— Cameroonian

A friend is someone you share the path with.
— Ugandan

A friend is like a source of water during a long voyage.
— Ugandan

A friend is like a water source for a long journey.
— Ugandan

A small house will hold a hundred friends.
— Kenyan

A stone from the hand of a friend is an apple.
— African (Mali)

A little for you and a little for me-this is friendship.
— Indian (Kashmiri)

All are not friends that speak us fair.
— English

All are not friends who smile on you.
— Dutch

Always treat your friends as when you first met them;
then in old age you will have no hatred in your heart.
— Chinese

Among friends all things are common.
— English
